Ravelli Spa at Ravelli Hotel

Relax at the wellness hotel Trentino

Adults-only pools

Drift and let the water of the pools gently caress you. Making you feel seemingly weightless. In our relaxing adults-only area.

adults-only pools
Family pools

Time to have fun with the whole family gang. Splash around and let the little mermaids and Captain Nemos enjoy the water.

water fun for families
Day Spa

We believe in creating a serene environment at our wellness hotel where you can escape the stresses of life for one day.

your spa day
Adults-only saunas

At our wellness hotel Trentino we offer you warmth in its loveliest guise. Experience the heat of our saunas and steam room. Enjoy pure comfort.

for adults only
Family sauna

A cosy and welcoming ambience where families can come together to relax, rejuvenate, and enjoy quality time at the wellness hotel Trentino.

to the family spa

With every touch you relax more. Every moment provides energy and tranquillity at the same time. Choose your revitalizing experience from our spa menu.

find out more